Cyber Services

Reinvent your cybersecurity Strategy

Defend your organization from deepfakes and reinforce trust and resilience. As these sophisticated digital manipulations become more prevalent, organizations need to fortify their defenses and effectively shield themselves from deepfake threats. Organizations must act quickly to reinforce trust and resilience. A combination of enhanced security capabilities, robust controls and employee education and awareness is critical.

Adhere to complex laws, regulations and risk tolerances across your organization, in every industry and geography in which you operate.

Navigate the path forward for emerging technologies, reaping their benefits and mitigating their vulnerabilities to ensure safety, resiliency and sustainability.

These are the services we can provide. We also offer CYBER TRAININGS available through one of our trusted partner

  • IT & Security Strategy Consulting
  • Our IT management and architecture experience in leading financial and pharma companies helps you to assess your current IT & Security posture and build a strategic roadmap adapted to your organization challenges and budget.
  • Security Maturity Assessment
  • Our framework-based assessment of your Security helps you discover the gaps and cyber challenges of your organization. Resulting in tailored priorities our assessment gives you visibility on the concrete processes and technology improvements to reduce your cyber risk posture.
  • Asset Management & Licensing
  • This generally forgotten cornerstone of an IT strategy helps you knowing your estate better thru an independent review of your hardware & software. This in turn fuel your IT strategy, security roadmap and can also allow to evaluate potential licenses optimization.
  • Security Implementation
  • Our experience in Network Security, Vulnerability Management, Software Patching, Data Leakage Prevention and Antimalware our engineers can help you implementing leading market solutions and solid processes to cover specific security risks.
  • Cloud Adoption & Cloud Security Consulting
  • Migrating or building environment in the cloud is common practice today. Large players dominate the market with SAAS or PAAS solutions which generally includes complex security features that need expert configuration. Our experienced Microsoft 365, Microsoft Azure, and CASB engineers can help you migrating safely or improving security of your existing cloud estate.
  • Managed Security Operation
  • Our Managed Security offering is tailored for small and medium size business which do not have a dedicated security team. It includes operation and management of selected VPN, Firewall, Antimalware , Vulnerability Management and End-point Detection and response systems.

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